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Kazimierz Michał Wacław Wiktor Pułaski, herbu Ślepowron (ur. 4 marca 1746 (według innych źródeł między 1745-49) w Warszawie,

zginął z ran odniesionych w bitwie pod Savannah 11 października 1779) – jeden z przywódców konfederacji barskiej, generał amerykański,

bohater wojny o niepodległość USA. Nazywany "ojcem amerykańskiej kawalerii".



Kazimierz Pułaski of Clan Ślepowron, often written Casimir Pulaski in English in the USA (March 4, 1746 – October 11, 1779),

was a Polish soldier, member of the Polish-Lithuanian szlachta and politician who has been called "the father of American cavalry".

A member of the Polish landed nobility, he was a military commander for the Bar Confederation and fought against Russian domination

of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. When this uprising failed, he emigrated to North America, where he became

a General in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He died of wounds suffered in the Battle of Savannah.



Zobacz także- Muzuem imienia Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Warce


Casimir Pulaski belongs to that select group of heroes...more



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